FFL Dealer Checkout, Search, and Shipping

Ship to FFL for BigCommerce

Selling regulated products that require shipping to an approved FFL Dealer? We're here to help you balance regulatory compliance and customer satisfaction. Our BigCommerce app provides a tailored FFL checkout service that streamlines the entire search-to-ship process.

Handgun on wall of gun store
FFL for BigCommerce

A Must Have for Firearms Ecommerce Merchants

  • Complete suite for selling firearms online
  • Customers can easily choose FFL shipping locations
  • Merchants can highlight their preferred FFL dealers in the results
  • Customizable to your unique requirements
How it Works

FFL for BigCommerce

  1. Merchants create “Product Groups” for FFL-required products.
  2. Merchants assign products at the Category, Product or SKU level.
  3. Merchants create “Location Groups” which are a collection of FFL locations your customers may choose to ship to. 
  4. Merchants can assign “preferred” status to any FFL Locations, placing it higher in search results customers view.
  5. Customers select their FFL dealer at checkout through a location search near them. 
  6. Our app identifies products that require FFL shipment and ensures those items are shipped to an approved FFL dealer.
Locate your FFL dealer by zip code
Certified BigCommerce Developers

FFL Dealer Checkout
Customizable to Your Needs

Have a complex request? No problem. Get in touch with us for any questions or to customize the app to your exact specifications. We're here to ensure it works for you.

FFL for BigCommerce

App Features

Seamless integration ensures an intuitive and hassle-free checkout experience customizable to your needs.

Mixed Cart Support

Split shipments for carts with both FFL and non-FFL products (one to a Dealer, one to the Customer's address), or ship the full order to the FFL dealer.

Straightforward Implementation

Compatible with all BigCommerce themes. Regular updates and support to ensure ongoing compatibility and performance.

Flexible Address

Customers can easily select their FFL shipping location using an interactive map view and radius search, providing a seamless experience.

Modern Development

The app was developed on the BigCommerce One Page Checkout SDK, ensuring a smooth user experience and secure, fast checkout.


Enhanced Merchant Control

Product settings as well as messaging shown to your customers during Checkout is configurable via the Ebizio Checkout app panel.

Fully Customizable

Have a request for a custom feature you don't see here?  Reach out to our team and we'll develop it for you.

Guns & Ammo Success Stories

Draw inspiration from these real-world case studies, from full-site designs to custom UX and checkout enhancements.

Have Questions?

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Fill out our contact form and one of our BigCommerce experts will get back to you within 24 hours to schedule a demo of the app.

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