BigCommerce Custom Design –

This BigCommerce Site Was A Fun One

We don’t often get clients who are focused on one product, and one product alone. Optimizing a site for SEO purposes is so much easier when you can focus on one product. Not only can you optimize for SEO, but also for customer usability. How do customers purchase this specific product? How do I show the most important information, and at what stage of the customer experience? These questions are much easier to answer when the you and your client can focus on one product. And finally, the product itself. Floating Golf Greens; can’t get much more fun than that!

Taking a site from start to finish

This BigCommerce site was a complete project: Creating the products and product database, defining shipping, developing a custom design and layout, establishing branding aspects, and recreating SEO opportunities from the previous site (a WordPress site). We created a very focused, conversion-driven layout for this site, shortening the distance between the homepage and the checkout.

Bigommerce Customer Experience/Usability Customizations

We put a lot of thought in to the layout and flow of the pages, determining where each element of the purchase experience should appear and the best way to have customers interact with the site. Because we could target everything for one product at 5 different sizes, we were able to target customers’ choices right on the homepage, skipping a “category page” step, and allowing the consumer to choose the size right on the first landing page. We also used many more interactive features than we typically use on a site, to encourage interaction with the page elements, and reflect the fun nature of the product Floating Golf Greens sells.

Blog Preview Customization

Also featured in this design is a new BigCommerce App that we have recently developed. This customization displays your most recent blog post on your homepage. It will truncate the text to only show the first X number of characters, and will take the first picture from the blog and display it on your homepage in our “Blog Preview Panel”. This is a great customization for customers, as they have easy access to new information right on the homepage, and for SEO, because it is constantly updating your homepage with rich content. See a picture of the customization below, and click it to see it in action.

Blog Preview Customization

Take a look at the site and our unique design. Have an idea for a one-product site? BigCommerce offers a great platform from which to develop a super-optimized product offering, and we have the experience and creativity to develop a site that will convert at a high rate and engage your customers

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