Case Study: BigCommerce Store Customizations, By The Numbers

Case Study: BigCommerce Store Customizations, By The Numbers

How BigCommerce Add-Ons Improve Your Conversion Rate

How does custom development work improve your bottom line? We took a deep dive into the analytics data of one of our clients, a high-end flashlight retailer called Fenix Store, to demonstrate just how impactful these changes can be.

Fenix Store recently introduced a number of UX improvements recommended by the experts on our BigCommerce optimization team, including add-ons and special landing pages. By analyzing their Google analytics data, we were able to measure the impact of these changes on their most important metrics. Read on to find out how we met their goals.

1. Increase Average Order Value With An Upsell Feature

Goal: Increase AOV and Revenue

Solution: Add an upsell feature that lets customers add complimentary products to the cart without leaving the page

An order at Fenix Store is rarely complete with the purchase of a single flashlight. Customers often need to buy related or complimentary products: usually batteries, but also items like pressure switchers or chargers for special battery types.

To better direct customers to those items – while encouraging them to spend more – we implemented Frequently Bought Together, our Amazon-inspired cross-selling feature. It creates a menu of pre-selected recommended products below the main product detail area. Customers can select which additional products they want and instantly add them all to Cart.

Animation image shows Customers can select which additional products they want and instantly add them all to Cart

Results: A 3.9% increase in Average Order Value.

After implementing this feature on select products, we saw an increase in Average Order Value of 3.9% on the products that had it enabled. While not every product on the website uses this feature, there was a clear improvement for the products that had this feature enabled, offering a great opportunity to increase revenue on products that are appropriate choices for upselling.

2. High-Converting Landing Page For PPC Campaigns

Goal: Improve conversions on PPC campaigns

Solution: An optimized landing page organized by recognizable keywords

Our user-experience team saw an opportunity to try something different when it came to PPC landing pages. Instead of directing users to a Category, Subcategory, or Product page, we built them an information-rich landing page that organized their product offerings by type: flashlights, headlamps, bike lights, and lanterns.

The landing page was designed to respond to the types of keywords and queries that direct traffic to Fenix Store’s site. Instead of being overwhelmed by product names or sub-specifications, users have the opportunity to learn more based on the more general things they were searching for: “Fenix brand flashlights” and other such terms.

Result: Landing page converts at a rate 80% higher than the site average. 

This page converts traffic at a rate 80% higher than the site average. And while it only accounts for 3.56% of site traffic, it accounts for 8.39% of all transactions, and 9.76% of overall revenue.

3. Product Videos Increase Conversions

Goal: Use information architecture to improve conversions on Product Pages

Solution: Put videos in thumbnail gallery to better show off Product Details.

 Fenix Store had great video assets that let customers see Product Details up close – something that can be a major factor in whether a customer decides to buy. Our team decided to make the most of them by implementing our “Videos in Product Thumbnail” customization. This add-on pulls the video into the thumbnail gallery beneath the main Product Image, making it easier for customers to interact with the video. It’s a simple and straightforward change that can make a big difference in your user experience.

Video In Thumbnail

Result: 294% higher conversions and 16% higher Average Order Value.


Customers who engaged with the video asset were more likely to buy. The conversion rate for people who engaged with a video popup is 294% higher than the site’s average conversion rate. Not only do they convert at a higher percentage, they also buy more when they do purchase. While not all products have a video, purchases made after watching a video had an average order value 16% higher than the site average.

Moral of the story? A good product video will increase your conversion rate and increase your revenue. Using our Video In Product Thumbnail add-on will ensure that customers can easily find that video and keep them at the top of the page where the product price and add to cart button are.

Enhance Your BigCommece Store

Want to know how you can make more money on BigCommerce? Check out our pre-built BigCommerce user-experience improving add-ons, or contact us to learn more about Site Optimization & Support services! Call or contact us and smash your goals today!

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