Hitechwireless.com sell two-way, citizen’s band and other radio equipment. They approached us with a need for improved UX and responsive design, and an opportunity for increased upselling.
We implemented a modern design that is consistent across different browsers and devices, and installed upsell add ons that would tie in with HiTechWireless’s data. ThemeBridge provided the client with an advantage by allowing us to use data that existed in their current store instead of trying to recreate it on a sandbox. This cut down on the amount of configuration and revisions needed on launch day.

The ThemeBridge also provided a development advantage when it came to downloadable resources. HiTechWireless had pre-existing documents for a majority of their products. Typically we would copy a representative sample of those documents into a sandbox’s webdav and recreate their products to show how the add-on would translate to their new site. ThemeBridge allowed us to bypass this part of the process, saving time and giving us access to the full range of downloadable documents while testing and developing. In addition, we could show the project’s progress with a live domain the client could visit at any time.