Case Study: UX-Friendly Bulk Ordering for Product Options on BigCommerce

colorful tshirts hanging on a clothing rack - BigCommerce Product Options for Bulk Ordering

Whether selling B2B or serving individual customers, online merchants encounter a common challenge: effectively handling product options for bulk orders. From selecting the right size and color to the perfect style, online customers seek a straightforward path to the ideal product. When functionality and design are not up to par, an abundance of choices can quickly complicate the buying journey.

Our BigCommerce developers are familiar with these challenges and have flexible solutions ready to help. See how a custom-developed bulk product table helped one BigCommerce merchant simplify their shoppers’ experience.

The Challenge: Streamlining the Bulk Shopping Experience While Preserving Customization Functionality

Since its inception in 1949, Concordia Supply has been a trusted provider of quality Christian products and resources for churches and ministry leaders. Whether catering to small groups or supplying large-scale events, the company’s mission has always been to offer an exceptional shopping experience and make bulk buying a breeze.

One of Condcordia’s most popular customizable product categories for group ordering is Vacation Bible School (VBS) t-shirts. But like other BigCommerce merchants that sell products with multiple variants, they faced the following challenges:

  • Product Variant Handling: Default functionality in BigCommerce generates unique SKUs for each product variant, resulting in separate product pages for each variation. 
  • Navigation Complexity: Separate product variants force customers to navigate multiple pages to find the specific varieties they need, potentially leading to frustration or driving them to competitors’ sites.
  • Integration Challenges: Using a product personalization app creates another technology layer that needs to work with the desired functionality.

To address these hurdles, our BigCommerce developers created a custom bulk pricing table that worked seamlessly with their store’s existing design and technology.

The Solution: Custom Developed Table for Product Variants

Style and functionality came together seamlessly for Concordia Supply’s custom product option grid. Upon finding the right product, users can easily select the desired color, shirt quality, size, and customize it with their Church name. 

The custom-developed product variant table extends the functionality of IntuitSolutions’ Bulk Ordering Product Option Grid and includes the following features:

  • Styled to match the website’s existing brand
  • Ensures minimum quantities are met
  • Integrates with the Customly app for product personalization
  • Displays product image with quantities, quality, and personalization options on the cart page
  • Provides flexible control in the merchant’s back office to add or update product options
BigCommerce Development - Bulk Pricing Grid on Product Page for
Bulk Pricing Grid on Product Page for
Cart Page for - BigCommerce Development for Bulk Pricing Grid
Cart Page View of Products Added from Bulk Pricing Grid

The Results: Improved User Experience and Enhanced Merchant Control for Wholesale-Friendly Product Options

Implementing the custom-developed bulk product table enhanced Concordia Supply’s approach to selling their personalized products online. It significantly improved user experience, made product selection more efficient, and provided enhanced control over product variants from the back office.

Whether you sell wholesale and B2B or are just looking for a more efficient way to manage product variants, we have a custom solution to help your online store. Send us a message or call us at 866-901-4650 to discuss how we can help with your project.

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