Custom Category Pages for Improved Conversions on BigCommerce

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Google has excelled at identifying websites that searchers want to see, and wants to only show highly ranked and clean-coded sites in order to give the best results. If your website is difficult for search engines to crawl, or has bad usability and a high bounce rate, there’s no doubt that your rankings will suffer. Google tracks these clicks to see if users are leaving your site quickly, or getting lost in your site, and these bad user experience signals all directly correlate with your rankings., a menswear BigCommerce store, is reaping the benefits after signing up with IntuitSolutions Monthly SEO services. Through some simple but well-thought out on-page usability enhancements from IntuitSolutions, has been able to improve conversion rates on desktop by 30%, mobile by 60% and tablet by 13%.

BigCommerce Category Page Tweaks For Showcasing New Products

This new category page is a perfect way to display for one-of-a-kind items, and have your customer learn more about the offerings that you want to show off. For, we saw that they needed a category page that was more than just a grid of products, where the user is bound to skim over each item quickly before exiting. Since HookandAlbert specialize in menswear and fashion, there were some products that we felt would benefit from a little extra attention.

Custom category pages guide the user into paying proper attention to what they’re looking at before committing to the purchase. What’s even better is how simple the custom fields are to manage in your BigCommerce back office. Each field is completely customizable for what you feel you want to highlight in your store. Showing off your hard work has never been easier when you work with IntuitSolutions.

Add to Cart Options for Better User Experience

Our Add to Cart functionality prevents a common user frustration – a customer trying to add an item to their cart without first selecting a color or pattern preference. Prior to this functionality, if a user were to omit a color, size or pattern option, a small pop-up would appear, asking the user to select the option prior to adding the product to the cart. With a few design and functionality tweaks, we found a way to be more intuitive with the shopper’s mind. Instead of an unnecessary pop-up window, which may be assumed to be an error in the user’s mind, we guide the customer in the right direction by omitting an “Add To Cart” option and replacing it with a “Please Select an Option” button. Once a color selection was chosen, the Add to Cart button is immediately presented signaling the user that they may now purchase the item. This keeps any confusion at bay when online shopping – so your customers can continue to shop at your BigCommerce store with ease, time and time again.

Managed SEO Services Improve Your Rankings

Managed services from IntuitSolutions are proven time and time again to improve your rankings, streamline your on-page experience, and make you more money as a business. Ready to implement some usability tweaks like Contact Us today to get started!

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