Tuning Up JustStrings.com: A BigCommerce Site Optimization Success Story

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All ecommerce merchants share one common goal: to increase sales and find new customers. While a captivating website design and user interface undoubtedly shape the success of your online store, beneath the surface lie equally critical factors—Technical SEO and site health.

Behind-the-scenes, technical infrastructure makes or breaks the success of an ecommerce business. Technical SEO is not just a buzzword, but a lifeline for companies striving to grow online. Recent work with one of our clients, JustStrings.com, shows the powerful impact technical SEO changes can have on a website.

Read on to learn from their experience.

The Challenge: Increasing Site Health Scores Amid Post-Migration Issues

JustStrings.com boasts a vast selection of industry-leading strings and accessories, empowering musicians to get the most out of their instruments and performances. After moving their online store from Yahoo to BigCommerce a few years ago, the company experienced a noticeable impact on site performance. 

While a drop in search rankings and traffic immediately after replatforming is common, a poorly executed ecommerce migration can lead to lasting consequences. JustStrings.com encountered deeper issues impacting their visibility in search results and deteriorating the user experience.

Recognizing the need for expert guidance, they partnered with IntuitSolutions, trusted ecommerce migration and technical SEO specialists, to identify and rectify lingering issues.

Key challenges for the IntuitSolutions team to address included:

  • Improving Poor Site Health Scores: The Site Health Score in Ahrefs depicts the proportion of error-free internal URLs. Just String’s initial score of 5 out of 100 indicated that most URLs had some type of error requiring attention.
  • Resolving Duplicate Product Pages: When search engines come across duplicate page content, they don’t know which pages to display in results. Because of this, search engines may rank duplicate URLs lower and give preference to other web pages.

  • Fixing Major Site Errors: Technical errors like broken links or missing pages can block search engines from fully accessing a website. Addressing these issues helps search engines and users understand and engage with your site.
Ahrefs Health Score of 5 for JustStrings.com
Initial Site Health Score for JustStrings.com at Project Start

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The Solution: Finding and Resolving Outstanding Technical SEO Issues

IntuitSolutions diagnosed and addressed these technical SEO challenges for JustStrings.com with a comprehensive site health optimization strategy—ultimately improving their Site Health Score from 5 to 97*. The solution included the following key actions:

  • Sitemap Fixes: Our team addressed sitemap issues to ensure search engines could properly index the most important pages on their website.

  • Canonical Tags Optimization: Our developers adjusted canonical tags to resolve duplicate content issues and improve SEO rankings.

  • Fixing Redirects and Broken Links: We reconfigured redirects and repaired broken links to enhance the user experience and SEO performance.

We also conserved a substantial portion of the crawl budget for JustStrings.com by revitalizing their site health and addressing these issues. This means that Google and other search engines can now prioritize indexing and ranking ‘good’ pages instead of spending limited resources crawling broken ones.

Ahrefs Health Score of 97 for JustStrings.com
3-Month Report for JustStrings.com Showing Site Health Improvement

*While this health score improvement is impressive, please note that results will vary. Several unique factors influence the extent of improvement for each website.

JustStrings.com experienced a notable boost in the quantity of pages successfully indexed, as indicated by the Page Index Report within Google Search Console.

Google Search Console Report for JustStrings.com showing indexed pages
Google Search Console Report for JustStrings.com showing an increase in indexed URLs. The green color represents the number of indexed URLs, while the gray color highlights the number of non-indexed URLs.

Continuing Online Growth with a BigCommerce Optimization and Support Retainer

JustStrings.com continued their partnership with IntuitSolutions through a BigCommerce Optimization and Support retainer, ensuring their digital investment continues to yield long-term results. This ongoing collaboration allows them to prioritize the most impactful improvements and help their site thrive in the ever-evolving online marketplace.

We understand that each client’s business is unique, so IntuitSolutions’ retainer plans are entirely flexible based on specific needs. Typical services include:

  • Design Modifications and Feature Enhancements (User Experience)
  • Custom Development Requests
  • Technical SEO Support
  • Routine Site Health Maintenance (e.g., backups, bug fixes, security updates)
  • Core Web Vitals and Page Load Speed Optimization
  • Web Accessibility Remediation and Improvements
  • Strategic Ecommerce Consulting

Choose the Trusted BigCommerce SEO Optimization Experts to Enhance Your Site Performance

Ready to achieve outstanding results for your BigCommerce site? Our Elite BigCommerce developers are ready, too. 

Start making more money on BigCommerce by taking control of your site’s technical performance. Get started with a no-obligation site performance audit and live consultation with one of our ecommerce experts. Call us at 866-901-4650 or contact us here.

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Andrew is a BigCommerce BigDev-certified Frontend Developer at IntuitSolutions. His expertise in web development, analytics, SEO, and content management helps our clients achieve impactful results from their ecommerce websites.

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