How Abandoned Cart Emails Help Your BigCommerce Store Reclaim Lost Sales

Shopping cart icon on top of a computer keyboard.

A staggering 7 out of 10 of ecommerce shoppers abandon their shopping carts. Whether caused by a poor user experience, technical glitches, or a confusing checkout page, abandoned carts are undeniably frustrating for merchants.

With so many lost sales and revenue at stake, it’s essential to have a strategy for converting abandoned carts back into profit. Fortunately, BigCommerce merchants have a powerful tool at their disposal: abandoned cart emails.

If you’re a BigCommerce merchant looking to recover lost sales and increase your revenue potential, keep reading to learn how to leverage an abandoned cart email strategy.

How Do Abandoned Cart Emails Drive More Sales?

Abandoned cart emails are automated messages triggered when a customer adds items to their cart but does not check out. These emails typically include a reminder of the items in the cart and a call to action to return to the site and complete their purchase.

Abandoned cart emails have more promising statistics compared to other email marketing strategies, with average open rates exceeding 40%—almost double the typical marketing email’s open rate.

On average, companies using abandoned cart emails recover between 3% to 14% of lost sales, generating an average revenue of $5.81 per recipient. When considering the hundreds or thousands of abandoned carts over several months, the revenue potential becomes apparent.

As the data shows, these emails can be a highly effective tool for making more money in your ecommerce store by helping you:

  • Recover lost sales
  • Increase customer loyalty
  • Leverage upsell and cross-sell opportunities
  • Improve customer engagement

What Abandoned Cart Features Does BigCommerce Offer Merchants?

BigCommerce merchants on a Pro Plan or greater have access to Abandoned Cart Saver functionality to help turn abandoned carts into successful orders.

Once enabled, the Abandoned Cart Saver will send email invitations to customers who have left items in their cart without completing checkout. And the best part? You have complete control over the content of these emails, allowing you to create custom messages that speak directly to your customers and entice them to complete their orders.

By enabling this built-in feature, merchants can:

  • Automatically send emails to remind shoppers which items they left behind.
  • Customize emails by adjusting the copy, subject line, send frequency, and discount codes to deliver the most impactful message to shoppers.
  • Track cart recovery stats by seeing how much revenue abandoned cart saver emails are winning back.

Learn more about setting up Abandoned Cart Saver notifications in your BigCommerce store.

Abandoned Cart Email Dashboard on BigCommerce
Abandoned Cart Email Dashboard
Abandoned Cart Analytics Dashboard on BigCommerce
Abandoned Cart Analytics Dashboard

How Can Merchants Make Abandoned Cart Emails More Effective?

While the default functionality is great to have, simply sending out a generic email is not enough to convince your customers to return and complete their purchase. 

Consider the following enhancements to make your abandoned cart emails more effective.

  • Customize with Your Branding: Update with your logo, colors and brand voice to make it instantly recognizable to your customers. A sense of familiarity and trust will increase the chances of conversion.
  • Tailor to the Shopper: Personalize your message to include the customer name and specific items left in their cart for an extra nudge to get them back to what interested them.
  • Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA): Add a prominent button or link taking them directly to their cart or the product page, making it a breeze to return and complete their purchase.
  • Provide Extra Incentive: Offering discounts, free shipping, or other limited-time offers can be a powerful motivator for customers to return and complete their purchase.
  • Support with Social Proof: Build trust and credibility by including customer reviews for your store or products left in the cart.
Abandoned Cart Email Preview Before Customization
Abandoned Cart Email Preview Before Customization
Abandoned Cart Email on Tablet After Customization
Abandoned Cart Email After Customization

Need a Custom Abandoned Cart Email for Your BigCommerce Store? Contact Us.

Don’t let abandoned carts be the end of the story. With a well-crafted abandoned cart email strategy, you can recover lost sales, increase your revenue, and grow your business. 

By leveraging the built-in Abandoned Cart Saver tool and crafting an effective email strategy, BigCommerce merchants can take advantage of low hanging fruit, turning abandoned carts into successful orders.

Looking to improve the success of your abandoned cart strategy? Our team can help. Send us a message or call us at 866-901-4650 to discuss how we can help with your specific project.

Blog Post Author
Sarah joined IntuitSolutions in 2022 as a Marketing Manager where she focuses on content creation, social media, and digital marketing. In her free time, she loves to travel, study a new language, and explore nature around her.

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