Custom Material Previews has a number of gift-worthy items populating their vast online store.
Many of these items can be personalized with multiple lines of engraving, but there are limitations within BigCommerce that make it difficult to show the customer more than three lines at once. IntuitSolutions was able to modify their page to let them show 5 or more lines of engraving, and put the preview pane in a more appropriate area of the page.
To make an even more custom preview, unique material swatches were added to give a realistic feel to every product, complemented by accurate font colors specific to each type.
For example, a leather engraving preview looks different than a steel or wood preview:

Each input field also has a character count, which is computed in real-time and informs the customer of how many characters remain. This is specially customized per line depending on the product being personalized.
Font Options on BigCommerce
Furthermore, a variety of different fonts are available (as well as select symbols), which are accurately represented on the preview panel thanks to our customizations:

The font drop-down itself was recently customized to show the font within the menu itself, for easy selection:

Interested in customized product options for your BigCommerce site? Contact us today!